
About Us

About Us


Welcome to Swift Shift Coaching & Consultancy LTD, your gateway to unlocking your infinite potential.

We are located in beautiful Cyprus and are here to offer you the best in globally accredited capacity building, coaching, business mentoring and consultancy services.


Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses just like you, so that you can achieve the results you deserve.


Do you feel like sometimes you're stuck in a rut? Are you ready to take your life or business to the next level?


If so, we have the solution for you. 

Our team of experienced professionals has over 30 years of corporate experience in multinational companies and start-ups, and are here to help you unleash your full potential and upskill.


Our innovative programs are tailored to your specific needs and are designed to address your pain points. We work in partnership with you to move you forward, and we guarantee that you will see the results you desire. Our team members are diverse, internationally accredited and have a wide portfolio of experience, ensuring that we have the right solution for you.

At Swift Shift Coaching & Consultancy LTD, we believe in the power of positive change.

We know that when individuals develop their own behavior and enhance their people management skills, they become more confident and skilled leaders. This leads to a more positive organizational culture and improved business results. We are here to help you achieve that change.

With our extensive years  of experience empowering companies, individuals and managers to take themselves, their organizations and their careers to the next level, we can help you too.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards unlocking your infinite potential and contact us today. Our team is ready and eager to help you Swift Shift to greatness.



Our portfolio is rich and diversified and our Capacity building programs focus on igniting the passions of the people and empowering them through Capacity building and Executive & Corporate Coaching, NLP as well as Consultancy.

We work with people and corporates to get them unstuck.

Some of our flagship programs are listed below and after a brief with your esteemed organization, we can provide you with a fully personal customized solution.

The SWIFT leader is a leadership program for managers to become Strategic, Witty, Interested, Fun &Transformational. The SHIFT coaching model: a coaching program for managers that gives them the competency and the powerful tool to handle difficult situations Getting to Yes: Negotiation is a very important competency for teams and to master:

- The art of influence and getting to Yes is the outcome of this program
- Be the CEO of your Career: it empowers individuals to take charge and drive their careers within their organizations
- Values workshops
- Culture transformation: Building the positive culture in an organization is mandatory for success
- Energy & Focus Management; the new time management model
- Leadership Development programs
- Conflict resolution
- Positivity Potion
- The art of Feedback
- Employability 2030
- Communicate with Impact
- Managing with the C & M factors (Coaching & Mentoring)
- HR Trainings & Strategy
- WINGS: Women Leadership Program
- GLOW Growth Laughter Orchestrated WOW
- Start up Coaching & Mentoring
- SME empowerment programs
- Employability trainings
- Adolescent Leadership Coaching programs 

And many more such as Power of Mindset, Resilience & Grit …..


Business leaders who work with an executive coach can benefit a lot at all levels. Among others having an experienced accountability partner who assists them with effective leadership, optimal performance, as well as identifying blind spots and roadblocks in order to take themselves and their stakeholders to the next level is crucial to the development of leaders.

Executive Coaching is a professional relationship between the leader and the coach; many coaching tools are used to empower the executive in getting self-awareness and mastery of the business relationships. 

Our Coaching Programs vary depending on our clients needs and size, we empower the team through several Coaching programs as well as Mentoring. 

In addition to the above we do run executive boards and masterminds for SMEs , Entrepreneurs and start ups to be able to grow and scale their businesses.


Team Coaching is all about culture empowerment through coaching teams as groups not individuals to address any team issues, concerns, dynamics,  and turn your team into a High Performance Team .

This method  is currently high in demand, and our programs cater to all your teams needs.


Whether you are running your own business, managing, or working as part a team, or you want to self develop NLP/NEUROENCODING has something for you.

our diversified courses ranging from one day for Personal success programs to Reboot your Brain and others ,  will help you excel and mash your limiting beliefs and take yourself personally and professionally to the next level.


This was just a glance of our offerings and we will be more than glad to meet you and discuss further.


Feel free to book a call Here

